Our Courses

In today’s World, growing up as you learn means learning as you grow up

Having the English language at the tips of your fingers has never been so essential.

In these last years, our world has undergone great change. To access our world today, one has to have a firm grasp of the English language if one doesn’t want to be left behind. Our world will continue to evolve, and we should do too if we don’t want to be left behind.

Being certified in the English language has become a must if we are to become part of the working world, school world or for sheer personal growth. This means specific prepping according to the level one desires to certify.

The CEFRE levels – Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – is an international standard for describing language ability. It describes does so according to a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. This framework is widely accepted also beyond the EU. With the issuing of the “Accompanying Volume”, the Get Going Method discovered it was up to par.


For individuals we provide online courses, while for Educational Institutions and Companies we provide them in-person at their respective locations.

Get Going Experience di Oriana Narducci

Via Magenta, 14

20831 Seregno (MB)


©2021 Get Going Experience di Oriana Narducci – P.IVA 12990831005 – PEC getgoing[a]casellapec.com

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